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Entries in marketing (3)


The Evian Babies are BACK!

Here's a new Evian Babies commercial... fun clever, filled with lots of visual effects.  Good stuff.  You are going to like it. 

At Deweymedia we like these commercials because they get your attention and they make you smile.  They aren't super funny, but they are highly engaging.  Now what they have to do with Evian is another story.  Nevertheless, we believe in video and film that gets your attention.  Let us help you and your story get attention.  Here's one of my favorite attention getting videos (produced and written by Deweymedia Executive Producer Paul Dewey) which we made for a client who helped fund JibJab in its early days: George Bush Intro   Not highly produced but we scripted it, and it got a huge applause when the client was introduced at various conferences around the country.


ESPN Handshakes

ESPN's Sports Center has hit on success with is its campaign dialing in the stars.  The Handshake commercial below is just one of many brilliant spots that shares the success of the formula.  They interject real players into the ESPN world in funny realistic ways.  They sit behind desks, they shake hands, they argue with execs, it's all great stuff.

If you have a little time here is a Best of Reel of ESPN's Sports Center ads.

Coming up with a creative formula to solve your marketing issues is our job at Deweymedia.  Here's one of my favorite pieces we created to introduce a speaker at a straight forward conference. 

Polaris Introduction George Bush from paul dewey on Vimeo.


There's lots more to be found on our deweymedia website.  Give us a chance to team up with you.  Shoot us an email at and see what our minds can offer you.



Ridiculous and Cruel

Is there a line for marketers?  This video shows how one German marketing group uses house flies to market a message.  I hope this is a joke... but it's not clear from the video.