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Entries in commercial (7)


ESPN Handshakes

ESPN's Sports Center has hit on success with is its campaign dialing in the stars.  The Handshake commercial below is just one of many brilliant spots that shares the success of the formula.  They interject real players into the ESPN world in funny realistic ways.  They sit behind desks, they shake hands, they argue with execs, it's all great stuff.

If you have a little time here is a Best of Reel of ESPN's Sports Center ads.

Coming up with a creative formula to solve your marketing issues is our job at Deweymedia.  Here's one of my favorite pieces we created to introduce a speaker at a straight forward conference. 

Polaris Introduction George Bush from paul dewey on Vimeo.


There's lots more to be found on our deweymedia website.  Give us a chance to team up with you.  Shoot us an email at and see what our minds can offer you.



Coast to Coast - T-Mobile

Here's a clever ad that elegantly drives home T-Mobile's claim of being a coast to coast mobile carrier.  It takes an age old children's rhyme and gives it a modern twist.  While it's an expensive propisistion, it's a great idea.... travel across the country and show lots of great panoramic shots to prove that T-Mobile is in all of those places.

At DMP (deweymedia) we can help you deliver your message to your audience, big or small.  We have access to top flight film and video cameramen and we can creatively craft your message to get attention. From straightforward product stories, to funny concepts, we can execute.


Audi Suspect - High Drama

Here's a commercial from Audi called Suspect that plays to our formulaic knowledge of all the bank heist movies we have ever seen.  Albeit with a cute twist.  Nice minute long version of the commercial directed by Adam Hashemi.  Good stuff.



Great FedEx Golf Commercial

Here's a funny, 'comedy' commercial made by Fedex for the Fedex Cup.  Real simple, real funny.   Nice clean and simple commercial.  In classic tv comedy style the commercial manages to squeeze three jokes out of one by their being unable to disable the computer.  Great stuff.


Crosing the Line... for Your Good

Here's a commercial that steamrolls across the offensiveness 'Maginot' line - despite it's noble intentions.  You may recall New York city's battle with fast food outlets trying to force them to publish the total calories in various hamburgers, sandwiches and meals.  This PSA attacks sodas and sugary drinks.  It vividly purports to show body fat being poured out of a can and consumed by a teen.  It's gross, but it's meant to cut into obesity.  What do you think?