Making a Memorable Commercial for Your Product

Making a lasting impression for your product or service. Isn't that what 'Going Viral' is all about? But it's the bottom line for advertisers - telling a story of impact that customers will remember when they are sitting around wtih friends or when they make a buying decision.
So how we you make one of those ads for your product/company/service? There's a lot of secret sauce, luck, production values involved, but at the bottom of it all -- you tell a great story original way. Today I found a piece that takes you by suprise and 'SLAPS' you awake, made by the good folks at BBDO NY (the agency where I on the Pepsi and GE accounts). What's it about? A simple game of basketball.
A Guiness Commercial? You know it. They have made great ads again and again over the years. Memorable, rewatchable ads. It's a little bit of a departure because they used to explore the comedy realm, and this ain't comedy. It's just great production, great music, and great actors. You won't forget it, will you?
At deweymedia when we make film, we center on the story and build out. One of the most heartwarming simple films we have made used pictures, and mediocre video shot by a client.... but we made it into a powerful piece that helped raise a lot of money for a children's aid organization in India called Agape. Here's the video.