So Silly You Might Think It's April Fool's: Old Spice Bar Soap

Here's a crazy new commercial poking fun at 80's commercials and jingles created by Wieden & Kennedy in Portland for Old Spice. Amusing stuff, because it is so far out there you aren't sure if it's real or if it's a joke commercial. That madness is brilliant. Particularly once you start seeing it on TV because it is going to make a lot of people do a doubletake. Cutting through in this day and age is not easy, so I hand it to the Wieden & Kennedy and Old Spice for taking some chances and having some fun. I hope it pays off big time.
At deweymedia we have fun telling our client's stories. They aren't usally as far out there as this Old Spice bar soap commercial, but we are ready, willing and able if you are. We have a comedy writing background and we are ready to use it. Listen to this low budget, silly video piece we produced introducing a speaker at conference who worked for the JibJab team. "It was a ball writing words to put in the mouth of former president George W. Bush," says deweymedia Executive Producer Paul Dewey. "He was a great president, but some of his pecadilloes made wide open opportunities for humor."