Click Here for a Ride on the Emotional Roller Coaster Amigo
Let's look at some videos and then examine the emotions they create, as well as which are most memorable. We'll start with some funny stuff. You'll see why soon.
The first two are a little racy friends. The first one is built off an old joke. Keep Your Trojanz in the Car
No surprise that this one -- a contraception commercial -- was banned. DUREX
This one will tear your heart out. I am reluctant to share it for fear that viewers will 'kill' the messenger, but here it is. NEWBORN -- I think this one is for a life insurance company, just like the next one.
WARNING, this one's another heart wrencher. More Time - Japanese Life Insurance Spot
Let's finish with a lighter piece to drive the point home. Levis - High Speed Change (UK)
So, are you tired? Which of these commercials was most memorable? Probably not the funny, lighter videos. The heavy ones are really draining. I have seen them probably six times now and it doesn't get any easier. They exhaust me. The emotional roller coaster is one name for the ride you just took if you watched the NEWBORN or MORE TIME. That doesn't mean your brand needs to take a heavy, emotional ride, but remember, emotion is what works on film and video... not PowerPoint slides.