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Feeling Good & Great Golf - sketchy video

Every once in a while the commercial gods come up with a spot that makes you proud to be an Amercian.  Look for a lot more of this during the Olympics.  Anyway, I ran across this old favorite in my archives... it's called the "Quiet Commerical" created the much embattled beer maker, Anheuser-Busch.  It's pure beauty.

If you watched the U.S. Open yesterday playoff this past Monday between Rocco Mediate and Tiger Woods, you were gifted with an amazing match.  The big question is what did you actually see on the web?  For most of my watching time the video and sound were dramatically out of sync by as much as 30 seconds or more!  Clearly MSNBC could not handle the viewing burden, although the PGA site fared a lot better keeping the video and sound in sync in real time.  It will be interesting to see the traffic numbers for the site...  not everyone could take the day off yesterday. 

For golf lovers make sure to check out some technique PGA video tips on the site....  good stuff.  I hope to put them to work this weekend!

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