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Entries in Cain (2)


Caine's Arcade - Moving Short

Here's a sweet short film that I spotted on CNN about a nine year old's love of old fashioned game arcades and how he built his own great one.  Hang in there, it starts slow, but it has a wonderful surprise ending.  Watch Caine's face.  That's a happy boy. The video has gone viral.

The deweymedia team can make a film about something that moves you in your life. 


Herman Cain Sings His New Blues Hit: 9,9,9 and more from Jimmy Fallon

The presidential race provides fodder for comedians like few other national news events.  Jimmy Fallon's creative writing team has been hard at work lampooning the Republicans.  As the headline shows, my favorite piece is Herman Cain's song, but if you want to see the whole piece, click on the second video.  Funny Stuff.

Short Version - Herman only (with an intro from Fallon).  Don't be fooled by the fact that the pictures are the same.

Long version - All the Candidates