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Entries in Bear (2)


A Bear Tale, A Sweet Tail that's All Bear

Here's a great little home video clip that tells a sweet, heartwarming story with a happy ending.  How two people saved three bear cubs trapped in a dumpster.  It shows how even the simplest video can tell a story that makes you feel good. 

We can help tell your stories, be it a simple animation or a complicated story involving actors and video clips from across the country.  Visit our video production links to learn more about our work and our capabilities.  We would love to help you tell your story.


Tipp-Ex - A Hunter Shoots a Bear. Lesson in Killer Viral Videos

The Tipp-Ex story is the tale of a homerun in the viral video world.  It also has some great numbers that show how the video drove sales increases.  Watch the story called A Hunter Shoots a Bear and learn how they did it.