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Sitcoms Storm the Fall Network schedules. Cougar Bite Me!

After tallying the nets' fall programming announcements, it looks like comedy is king... again.  The nets are trying to get us all laughing after a trying and not so funny fall of '08.  Ten new sitcoms will grace the net schedules featuring stars such as - Kelsey Grammer, Chevy Chase, Jenna Elfman and my personal favorite - the 'high concept' show, COUGAR TOWN, starring good old Courtney Cox. The single camera comedy (as opposed to three-camera studio based shows) is one of four new comedies to join the ABC roster this fall.  Cougar Town will explore "the honest truths about dating and aging in our beauty and youth obsessed culture," according to ABC.  Cougars are hot... but don't forget about panthers and snow leopards (the oldest of the pride - the ones with white hair)?   So that's your cat fact for the day.  Now check out the ABC trailer for Cougar Town.

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