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Yowza! New PETA Campaign: BWVAKTBOOM

Here's a very strange, albeit intriguing, campaign from PETA.  The announcer tells us that a roughed up, pantsless girl who is traipsing up a street with a neckbrace on is suffering from a new condition called BWVAKTBOOM - Boyfriend Went Vegan and Knocked the Bottom Out of Me.  It's an eye opener.  She's got a little smirk on her face as she tosses a bag of veggies at her b'friend as she enters their apartment.  Crazy stuff.  I guess it makes sense if you think it might promote vegans and not meat eaters?  As they say on FOX you decide.

Zowee!  This one below is even more explicit. 

And one more.....   I think it's going to get a lot of ink in the press.

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