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Entries in network news (1)


Columbia Journalism School at 100

We call it the J school.... we being those of us who graduated from Columbia University's Journalism School.  It's turning 100 years old this year, at a critical time in the history of journalism, when journalism as we have known it over the past 100 years has started to turn a corner, away from the printed material of newspapers and magazines to an even more concentrated digital age of video and, computers, readers, phones, etc.  It's a confusing time, yet the funadementals of journalism as it has been practiced still live on.  Here's a world class assembly of J School grads talking about the craft of journalism.  Steve Kroft, Tom Brokaw and Christianne Amanpour are just some of the practitioners interviewed in this peice promoting journalism.

Where it goes next is anybody's guess.  The craft is changing, and I am following it carefully here on this blog along with all the other journalists out there who are worried about the tilt towards highly opionionated journalism that violates some of the most fundamental tennets of practicing the art well.