A Cat Named Dewey, a media critic named Leonard and a journalist named Kuralt

The wonderful stories told by Sunday Morning, the CBS Morning news show have always appealed to my softer side. As my birthday closes fast and I prepare to turn another year older, it's time to pull some of my favorite news stories off the shelf, and here's a great one about a cat named Dewey Readmore Books. He was a great cat, and as the story describes, he is well known aroudn the world.
And while we're on the Sunday Morning topic, here's a tribute to one of the man who made me want to become a journalist, John Leonard. He was a critic extraordinaire with a flair and playfullness with words that you don't find too often. Here's to you Mr. Leonard. We miss you. By the way, Charles Kuralt, was another inspiration. He's gentle soft spoken incisiveness is badly needed today. Long live you all.