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School College Marketing Video Yale

The Glee knockoff video created for Yale Admissions was much talked about in admissions circles several years ago, but when it comes to Admissions videos, I don't think their suspended reality approach works. While the video is slightly amusing it's going to turn off as many potential applicants as it will interest.  From a strategic POV I think it was a mistake.  The singing and dancing is cute and timely (modeled after a popular TV show), and it arguably may have helped Yale standout and perhaps break away from some misconceptions about the toney Ivy league school, but it seems more like an arts school than a classic Ivy with a broad liberal arts offering.  Perhaps it's just a personal taste thing, as I am not a musical, song and dance kind of guy.  Anyway, I like the old what you see is what you get approach.  Call me old fashioned, but I guess I am just a journalist at heart.

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Reader Comments (1)

School College Marketing Video Yale is very wise and know their on the spot light for being a great Videographers and video producers.

February 14, 2012 | Unregistered Commentercorporate video production

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