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Great Movie Promotion: The Reader - Kate Winslett, Ralph Fiennes

Now this web site for the movie The Reader starring Kate Winslett and Ralph Fiennes is a winning way to use the web to promote a movie.  Dynamic overlay using text and video.  Some very cool stuff going on here. Look it over. You gotta like what you see here. The movie itself is Holocaust related which can mean a hard sell in marketing a movie, but it's being marketed as a steamy sexual flick, not a historic tale. 

Great music track certainly helps.  The tabs allow you to see clips of the movie, interviews with the talent, more about the production crew.  It's produced by Anthony Minghella who directed The English Patient, The Talented Mr. Ripley, Cold Mountain and Truly, Madly Deeply.  The film is based on Bernard Schlink's novel, The Reader.  I am ready to go see this film today.


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