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Divine Moments of Clarity

This was a post on a blog I used to write on blogger and was posted on ....


Monday, October 22, 2007

Divine Moments of Clarity

What is it about those divine moments of clarity that the moving image transports us to? I just felt it in a video posted on YouTube -- the PostSecrets project  when the man's voice says, "I love her anyway."   That 'moment' feels real and genuine. It's much like an emotional roller coaster when suddenly there's a brief glimpse of compelete honesty (at the top), it may be the music or the idea, or the images, or the confluence of all three. Sometimes we can recall sharing one of those moments with someone whose no longer here, and it evokes sadness. But it's pure and beautiful and I find myself yearning for more, much like the way we might replay a sad song again and again, or the way a smell can transport us to a moment long gone. Oh yeah, smell... that's about the only major sense that video misses.

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