How do you make a web page come to life on video and make people TRY YOUR PRODUCT? It's just text, BUT where's the story? Where are the pictures? How do you tell stories that can help your business CONNECT with consumers? Here are some of the video solutions the deweymedia team created.
EYEALIKE is a FACEBOOK Social Marketing App - Explaining how an App works to perspective buyers wastes time and you risk loosing your audience. This is a cost effective alternative to PowerPoint slides, and it the budget did NOT break the bank.
PUBGET is a web search tool. Let's face it, this website is not for most of us.... but if you care about sceintific searches on the web, it's a big deal. We made the story simple to follow... or should we say slightly easier to follow?
RIVERDALE COUNTRY SCHOOL used this video (and others we have created) to drive family, alumni and friends of the school directly to an online giving tool.
HORACE MANN SCHOOL put this end of year annual fund video to work to celebrate the school's 100th anniversary.