Ice Cross - All Out Downhill Ice Skating
Tuesday, January 29, 2013 at 04:32PM
Paul Dewey in Crash Ice, Crashed Ice, Extreme Marketing, Ice Cross, Icecross, Sports Video, competitive, downhill skating

Whoever said they have thought of everything hasn't seen this crazy new sport -IceCross..... downhill skating - mano a mano.  It's rough and nuts and it moves at high speeds.  Imagine skating downhill against three other guys... down a very steep hill/mountain.   It's early in this game, so expect the hills to get steeper adn the shoving to get harder.

Red Bull is sponsoring the Signature Series - it's new extreme sports series, and Ice Cross or Crashed Ice is one of the sports.

Article originally appeared on Boston video production, corporate video production, nonprofit video, fund raising video | Dewey Media | Concord, MA (
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